Digital care with BDC Care
BDC Care gives private health care businesses the opportunity to offer accessible, efficient and patient-safe digital care.
The platform consists of an intuitive web interface for the care provider and a user-friendly app or web portal for the patient.
As a care provider, you gain access to the service through a separate agreement.
BDC Care can be used independently of the Kuralink platform and solely for private patients. The service has been developed as a collaboration between Visiba Care and CAB Healthcare, in order that small and medium-sized businesses can implement digital care in a versatile manner without the costs that typically arise when you build your own solution. This means that we are responsible for delivering a safe, secure and constantly updated technical solution in a simple business model that is easy to grow with.
We know that digital care is so much more than just videos,
which is why the service includes a number of functions!
Digital care with multi-party calls.

During onboarding, we help you to map out when and how you can use multi-party calls. Our broad customer group has provided us with numerous insights and new knowledge that we are happy to share with you.
In some cases, you may need to invite other people who are important to the patient, such as:
- A colleague from the same workplace
- A specialist doctor (for consultation or a second opinion)
- An interpreter
- An employer
- Relatives
- The insurance company (representatives from care planning)
Multi-party calls create the conditions for interdisciplinary coordination, such as at a care planning meeting. The patient can then meet treatment staff from the clinic as well as from other units responsible for rehabilitation, all at the same time. Today, physiotherapists use the function for group exercises, while psychologists use the function for the supervision of larger groups.
Scroll up to read about secure messaging.
Digital care with secure messaging.
The messaging function is used for asynchronous communication between you and the patient. Before patients begin the dialogue with the care provider, they can be given the opportunity to upload images and describe why they are seeking care. As a care provider, you can ask follow-up questions and communicate with the patient before the start of the video meeting.
Documents and other types of files
In addition to communication in the form of messaging with text and images, you can send documents to the patient, such as instructional pdf files for wound care, physical exercises, preoperative preparations, etc.
Scroll up to read about medical questionnaires
Digital vård med medicinska formulär.
Digital care with medical forms.
Use the function to create questionnaires for specific appointment reasons. This makes the assessment of status easier and helps care providers to establish an overall picture of the patient’s care requirements. The form can be set up with ready response options to selected questions or by you choosing that certain questions should be answered in free text.
We will help you to create your own forms when you sign up, by digitising the forms that you already use.
Digitising other types of forms
Some of our customers use the questionnaire to digitise the business’s health surveys. By making the questionnaires available in BDC Care, they can ask the patient to respond to them regardless of whether they are meeting in person or by video.
Scroll up to read about online appointment book
Your available times can refer to appointments in person, by phone and by video. The patient simply chooses the form of appointment that suits him or her,and concludes the booking by describing the reason for the appointment under the heading “Symptoms”.
Booking av digital care.
BDC Care can be used for digital care of private and health insurance patients.
The booking flow proceeds seamlessly, regardless of whether the booking is made by you, the patient or the insurance company. Insurance companies can book one of your available times for video consultations directly via Kuralink, while your private patients book their appointments via the web appointment book. Regardless of how the booking is made, the appointments are registered in the BDC Care calendar by means of direct integration.
The web appointment book
Our web appointment book service is included in the BDC Care offer. This means that you receive an online calendar where you publish your available appointments, which can be booked by your private patients.
In addition to managing their booking, the patient can give a description of their symptoms in a safe and secure manner. You can make the web appointment book accessible via a link, which can be applied to a button on the website or be displayed in full.
Scroll up to read about secure messaging.
Secure digital care
BDC Care ensures that data that is sent between servers is encrypted and remains private.
This means:
- Authentication is required in order to confirm identity
- Encryption of the communication to prevent unauthorised parties from accessing the information
- GDPR and PDL regulate data storage
- BDC Care is CE marked as a technical medical approved product
Different businesses have different needs. As a result, there are several authentication methods for care providers. These are:
- BankID
- Single-use code via text message
The patient is authenticated via BankID or a single-use code via text message in those cases where this is determined by the care provider.
BDC Care is directly integrated with Kuralink, which is a safe and secure platform in accordance with GDPR and PDL.
BDC Care makes it easy for you to get started with the work in a digital clinic.
On connection, we set up an account for you in BDC Care containing business-specific information. As a customer, you then receive onboarding in the form of training and regular coaching.
Curious about what form this might take? Below you get an insight into what it is like to work in the BDC Care environment.

Your digital workspace
Booked video appointments are displayed in the BDC Care web interface. From here you gain an overview of required information before the video meeting. It is also here that you initiate a video meeting and/or messaging.

Video chat, chat and group chat
During the video call, you and the patient can chat with each other and share files. As a care provider, you can invite nine participants to the video meeting.
How does BDC Care work for the patient?
It is easy for the patient to use the app and follow up their cases. The patient can choose to participate in the video meeting from their mobile phone, tablet or computer. Automated notifications are sent to the patient by text message and e-mail in conjunction with the booking, and in the form of reminders one day before and one hour before the video meeting. If the patient already has the app, they can access all the information in the app.

The patient downloads the app.
When the patient has been given a video appointment, they receive automated notifications by text message and e-mail that contain a link to download the app. The link is dynamic and detects whether the patient is using an Android phone or an iPhone, which directs the patient to the App Store or Google Play Store. The notification also contains information stating that the patient can participate using their computer, and consequently there is a link to a browser as well.

The video appointment
When the patient opens the app, they need to log in with BankID. Here they can see all their previous and upcoming video appointments.
The experience of the video appointment via BDC Care lives up to expectations for a digital treatment service. In addition to photos, the patient and the care provider can share other important documents during their conversation in a safe and secure manner.
Vi erbjuder Kuralink till företagshälsor, det finns flera anledningar till varför Kuralink har sedan 2005 agerat som en plattform för förmedling av vård till försäkringstagare mellan försäkringsbolag och privata vårdgivare.
Vi är sprungna ur ett behov; att kapa manuella led för bokning av vård. Detta behov finns i fler sektorer – däribland företagshälsa. I detta blogginlägg kommer vi att utforska området närmre för att ge en inblick i vad Kuralink som plattform kan bidra med inom förmedling av tjänster kopplat till företagshälsa. -
Är digital vård tillgänglig för alla? ”Ökad tillgänglighet” har nästan blivit ett slags slogan när man talar om fördelarna med digitala vårdtjänster. Flera artiklar stödjer påståenden om att nyttjandet av digitala verktyg både kan förbättra kvaliteten och tillgänglighet för patienterna. Man belyser även fördelarna av arbetssättet för sjukvårdspersonalen. Flera av våra kunder redogör för samma fördelar.
Samtidigt pratas det mer om ett digitalt utanförskap i Sverige. För dem som inte är integrerade i det digitala lansdskapet ökar inte tekniken tillgängligheten till vård. -
Hjälp patienten att hitta till besöksformen - videobesök. På den här sidan har vi samlat inspiration för hur man kan skapa tillgänglighet av besöksformen med enkla medel. Trevlig läsning!
To see a free presentation of BDC Care, please contact us using the form below.
Support’s Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
NB: As a private individual, you should contact the clinic where you are receiving treatment if you have any questions or concerns!
E-mail: | |
Phone: | 031 31346 60 |
Address: | Torsgatan 5b, 411 04 Göteborg |
Här kan du läs mer om vilket värde BDC Care skapar för våra kunder.