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  • MEPS

The Nordic region's leading system for handling damage and repairs in properties

In MEPS, insurance companies, contractors and real estate companies cooperate in tasks related to construction damage and repairs. Calculation, planning, documentation and communication take place in one and the same system. That creates the conditions for effective and profitable collaborations.

Effective collaborations in MEPS

MEPS users are contractos, real estate companies, insurance companies and consumers.

Streamline and structure with MEPS

MEPS counts work tasks instead of hours

In the MEPS calculation, it is not the number of hours that are specified. Instead, the contractor charges for each work step performed. The MEPS calculation clearly shows what the different steps involve. The cost of each step depends on what the contractor has negotiated. Read more here

See statistics on completed jobs

In MEPS there are statistical reports that show how different parts of the jobs went over a period of time. You quickly get a clear picture of, for example, materials, time consumption, revenue and use of codes. You can use the insights to streamline operations. Read more here

Efficient and profitable collaborations

When all parties in a repair mission cooperate in MEPS, a clear effect occurs. The work process runs smoothly and both the contractor and the client get an overview of their own profitability. Read more about how collaborations in MEPS create efficiency.

Business for €400 millions

MEPS is used by all leading insurance companies and by an increasing number of large real estate companies. This means that MEPS contractors get a safe and stable flow of construction damage assignments. Every minute an order is sent to a MEPS contractor.


assignments per year




M € in business value/year




MEPS users

Choose the right MEPS product for your business

Here you can read about which MEPS product suits your business. MEPS for Main contractors, Subcontractors and installer, Service companies, Real Estate companies and Insurance companies.

Main contractors

MEPS is more than a calculation tool - it's a construction service system that helps you digitize and simplify the working day. Get structure in ongoing projects and communicate smoothly with subcontractors.

Subcontractor and Installer

Keep track of your costs, avoid price discussions and increase profitability. MEPS helps you manage your finances with reliable calculations and participate in effective and profitable collaborations.

Service companies

With MEPS, damage service companies get a tool for quick communication, inspections and clear documentation of the damage to the customer.

Real Estate companies

Managing repairs and maintenance is complex, with many ongoing projects and associated change requests, decisions and invoices. MEPS helps you digitize and streamline the process.

Insurance companies

MEPS is the leading system when it comes to handling construction damage claims. Through MEPS, insurance companies order jobs from contractors.

MEPS customers


  • This is how MEPS Climate Calculation facilitates sustainability reporting MEPS Climate Calculation is the Nordic region's first service for calculating the climate impact of property repairs. The service is part of MEPS - the insurance industry's standard system for handling claims in real estate. The climate calculation is available from insurance companies throughout the Nordics and the Baltics, and can facilitate your own sustainability work.

  • CAB launches MEPS Climate Calculation for insurance claims in property How do property repairs affect the climate? CAB Group launches the Nordics' first system service for automatic calculation of the climate impact of repairs in properties. The MEPS Climate Calculation service is part of MEPS, which is the insurance industry's standard system for handling claims in real estate.

  • MEPS becomes the standard system for handling construction damage in Estonia The Estonian Insurance Association (EKsL) and CAB Group have signed an agreement which means that the MEPS system will be used for handling construction damage in the Estonian insurance market. EKsL members include leading Estonian insurance companies.

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