Release Notes CAB Plan February
In the CAB Plan version for February, we have made a number of changes in CAB Plan.
After reading, you will be able to access the Release Notes in CAB Plan by clicking on the “Release information” icon in the top right corner in the top menu bar.
Summary Release Notes CAB Plan February
CAB Plan: Logging of added absence
CAB Plan: Only show active working time schedules
CAB Plan: The technician page will be replaced by CAB Repair in May 2024
CAB Plan: Logging of added absence
It is now visible in the presence manager who has added an absence and when it was done. The information will be visible when moving the mouse cursor over the absence.

CAB Plan: Only show active working time schedules
When creating a new working time schedule that shall be based on an existing schedule, only the active schedules will be shown. If older schedules should be selectable as well, mark the box “Show all”.

CAB Plan: The technician page will be replaced by CAB Repair in May 2024
After the CSP release in May, time stamping for technicians will only be possible in the CAB Repair web application. The technician tab will then open Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.