Release Notes CAB Plan September
In the CAB Plan version for September, we have made several changes in CAB Plan.
After reading, you will be able to access the Release Notes in CAB Plan by clicking on the “Release information” icon in the top right corner in the top menu bar.
Summary Release Notes CAB Plan September
CAB Plan: Milage and paint code added
CAB Plan: Change appearance on CAB Plan Start
CAB Plan: Tile for finished repairs added on CAB Plan Start
CAB Plan: Reply address for rental car company e-mails
CAB Plan: Photos from an external workshop can be attached to the estimate
CAB Plan: Continue to work with estimate specifications open
CAB Plan: Reschedule all unstarted jobs automatically
CAB Plan: The workorder number from the estimate added to the checklist
CAB Plan: Milage and paint code added
If the work order contains mileage and paint code, both will be visible in the process flow if you move the mouse pointer over the registration number. The paint code is also visible in the planning view when you move the mouse pointer over a planned job.

CAB Plan: Change appearance on CAB Plan Start
It is now possible to rearrange the tiles on CAB Plan Start. To do this, select edit mode by clicking the button in the upper right corner of the page. Then move the tiles you don't want to be visible to the area at the bottom of the page or those that should be visible to the area above the line. If you want to change the color of the tile, click on the pen and select the desired color. When you are done with all the changes, save with the button in the upper right corner of the page

CAB Plan: Finished repairs added on CAB Plan Start
A new tile has been added to the CAB Plan Start that shows the number of work orders that have the status “finished”.
CAB Plan: Reply address for rental car company e-mails
When a rental car company that receives a reservation for a rental car replies, the e-mail is sent to the workshop's address stated in CAB's customer register. If the workshop would like the answers sent to another e-mail address, it is now possible to add one.

CAB Plan: Photos from an external workshop can be attached to the estimate
Photos added by an external workshop can now be marked to be added to the estimate.
CAB Plan: Continue to work with estimate specifications open
If you open one of the estimate specifications in the work order, you can continue to work in CAB Plan while the specification is open.
CAB Plan: Reschedule all unstarted jobs automatically
Now all unstarted jobs that contain time will be rescheduled when you press "Search & Plan". Previously, only those jobs that were after the most recently started job were rescheduled.

CAB Plan: The workorder number from the estimate added to the checklist
Now all work order numbers are visible in the digital checklist, regardless of whether they come from CAB Plan or the estimation.